Leadership Offsites

The single thing that has the biggest impact on the culture of an organisation is the culture of the leadership team. When this is out it infects the whole organisation. And when the leadership team is aligned, the culture is healthy, and everything else just gets better.

So this is where we start.

These offsites, at their core, are about improving the leverage of the leadership team. And while there are more tactical outcomes that will be achieved, this is the biggest benefit of the retreat.

The problem with retreats


They don’t address the real problems in the team


Too much is packed into the agenda and it’s more like a task list


The loudest voice wins and we don’t hear from everyone


We think making time with each other creates connection


We don’t discuss the elephants in the room well enough, or at all

Team seminar with a man with his hand in the air

Criteria to working together

If you want an offsite that creates connection, elevates your team to a better way of working and gets stuff done then you will resonate with these statements:

We will have a genuine desire to level up – individually and as a team

We are all in – with our time and attention

We are prepared to have the tough conversations – all of them

We are prepared to make decisions in the room – then commit to implementation

The problems you may experience


Our people and teams are operating and making decisions in silos


Our relationship to conflict is unhelpful and hinders performance and progress


We can be unclear on our purpose which creates competing agendas


Our team culture is a little off and needs some work

Benefits of the time together

We will make the important, and the right, decisions

Individual self-awareness grows and self-control improves

Accountability becomes clear and easier to do

We end up liking each other again, or even more than before

There’s hardly any work for the sponsor – you dump your issues and we design and facilitate

The structure


  • What does success look like? What capabilities do we want to build, what conversations do we need to have, and what outcomes are we looking to achieve? What could get in the way?. Typically a 90 minute zoom with the key sponsors.
  • Draft the agenda and send through first version to achieve key outcomes
  • Confirm agenda – call with key sponsors to confirm agenda and comms to go out with the participants
  • Prep email prepared for the participants – based on design and agenda we draft the prep email to go out to all participants which includes what they should do to prepare, what the agenda will be and what outcomes we’re looking to achieve
  • Templates and workbook for the offsite prepared. We’ll create templates for the capabilities we want to build, and provide a workbook to capture our learnings. We’ll also provide one or two relevant books for everyone to take home.


  • A three-day immersive experience that creates connection, builds capability and helps us have the conversations we need to have. One of Georgia’s superpowers is managing all types of personalities to make sure everyone gets airtime and we don’t get off track.


  • 4-6 weeks after the retreat we’ll get together for 3 hours to review how we’ve gone and what’s needed next. This ‘embedding conversation’ ensures we do what we said we would, so the return on investment is maximised.

Are you keen? Awesome!

If you’ve got questions or wanna chat about the program click here to send us a message stat or book a call by following the link below.